50 Shades of "Shamelessness"

Telling you EVERYTHING you weren't told before.

Starting those emails with a bang, as always 🙃. Just the title itself is enough to shake a whole group of desi uncles and aunties. Please read the whole post to learn about our upcoming webinar with a sex therapist. 

via Giphy

Ok trust me, this title is not clickbait. It is reality. Over the last decade I have organically studied public opinion around sex and women’s bodies through the stories on SSP and realized the constant association with shame is something that puts us women at a major disadvantage. From the haw hayes around basic female anatomy, to our school biology books in Pakistan having that page stapled, to the anonymous posts about intimacy from women who have no one else to talk to.

A post by me on SSP (2022)

Most of us have grown up with our own bodies being a taboo and we never fully learn about it hence we shy away from talking about it too - even to doctors! Shahrukh Khan running a feather on his heroine’s back is not adequate information, FYI. The thousands of stories around intimacy and relationships on SSP ranging from funny ones about awkward moments to the most heartbreaking ones around marital rape, are all evidence of this lack of access to REAL information.

This is why, on June 1st, my team and I are putting together the most fabulous webinar for any woman (18+) who wants to attend. Led by a Licensed Sex Therapist based out of the US - Samia Khan - this webinar is going to dive deep into typically censored territory from understanding your body and desires to navigating healthy communication for a fulfilling sex life.

Tickets for this webinar can be purchased here and you can also browse more details about our speaker + agenda on the event link. Tickets are limited so they will run out soon especially when we announce on SSP! As a Newsletter Reader YOU have the opportunity to grab them first!

For Premium Members of this newsletter, we have a code to redeem free tickets that can be found in the premium-only section below. If you decide to upgrade to Premium Membership now - you will also be able to access the free code for the ticket and sent a recorded version of the Webinar. However if you DON’T want to upgrade, please feel free to purchase the ticket from this event page.

Before I sign off - I want to say something I have always openly said on SSP. If talking about sex was that easy in our culture - grown women, some with decades of marriage under their belt would not need to post anonymously on a Facebook group to learn about their basic physical needs. We grew up internalizing the idea that our physical needs make us beghairat - therefore, this webinar is intended to help us unlearn this mindset.

Remember: you are valid, your needs are important and we all owe our bodies the chance to learn about them 🤍.

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